MVZ / Especialización en Reproducción Bovina Tropical y Transferencias de Embriones
Cargo actual: Científico, Especialista de área, Docente ETH Zúrich (Escuela Politécnica Federal de Zúrich (en alemán Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich)) Instituto de Ciencias Agrícolas Grupo Fisiología Animal.
PhD Veterinary Research and Animal Biology. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany/Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Farm Animal Genetics (FLI-Mariensee, Germany). Research Project: Experimental studies into the role of cAMP in bovine oocyte maturation and embryo developmental competence.
MSc in Animal Sciences. Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Specialization: Animal Health and Behavior.
Sub-specializations: Adaptation Physiology and Animal Breeding and Genetics
Major Thesis 1:
Establishment of a modified Simulated Physiological Oocyte Maturation (mSPOM) system for bovine oocytes and its influence on in vitro embryo production and quality (FLI-Mariensee, Germany) (Agosto 2011).
Major Thesis 2:
Characterization of a normalized full-length cDNA library (Animal Breeding and Genomics Center, Wageningen University)(Enero 2011).
Especialización en Reproducción Bovina Tropical y Transferencia de Embriones. UDCA,
Bogotá, Colombia.
Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia UDCA, Bogotá, Colombia. Major Thesis: (Animal Reproduction) Caracterización de un toro Bos indicus para fertilización in vitro (2000).